Marcel Mézy's Environmental Solutions - Original process since 1978 Contact us Français
Recycling of organic waste


of organic waste

Marcel Mézy’s process permits to recover all livestock manure by converting them quickly and organically to humus

The natural action of this process permits to activate the humification of manure, liquid manure and all organic matter. Its particularity is to convert them quickly to humus by the action of aerobic microorganisms. Its generates an aerated and humus-rich compost, with no smell of rotting, that provides all soils with a high fertilizing and structuring quality. The minerals contained in organic matter fix into the clay-humic complex and are given back to plants without evaporation or leaching. Plants have therefore more balanced and regular nutrients.


Agronomic, economic and environmental advantages:

  • less leaching losses
  • less off-gassing during storage and after spreading
  • recovery of your livestock manure
  • a better benefit to plants
  • replacement of fertilizer and soil conditioner inputs
  • optimization of the nitrogen management
  • reorganization of the nitrogen forms contained in manure and liquid manure
  • guaranteed palatability of the grass.
  • improvement of the soil structure
  • a better plant resistance to water stress


Marcel Mézy’s process is marketed under the trademarks BACTERIOLIT® and BACTERIOLIT CONCENTRE® by Sobac as a compost additive. It has been used for more than twenty years in cow, sheep, goat farming, and poultry farming. The users are also unanimous in their testimonies on the positive effects of the process on the animals’ health.


Results of experiments performed by Sobac in partnership with scientists and institutions:


2010 AgroParisTech


A better recovery of manure


Test achieved in 2010 by the Ferme Expérimentale of AgroParisTech
(download PDF file - FR)


2006 ITAVI (Institut Technique de l'Aviculture)


Better atmosphere in livestock buildings


Less 82% of nitrogen lost in the air and more organic nitrogen
(Measured by ITAVI on manures in 2006)
(download PDF file - FR)


Lara Europe Analyses


Humic acids


Quick production of evolved organic matter, humic acids, even with liquid manure
(see the results)


Decrease in nitrogenous leaching


Decrease in nitrogen losses and in water pollution proven in laboratory (Lara Europe Analyses, 75 voie du TOEC, 31025 TOULOUSE, 1996)
(download PDF file - FR)


The Aveyron Chamber of Agriculture and ITCF


Recovery of manures


Tests ITCF and the Aveyron Chamber of Agriculture performed on the premises of the Lycée Agricole of St-AFFRIQUE (12)
(download PDF file - FR)


INRA Exmes


Bactériolit® divides by 2 the losses of manure dry matter


(INRA Exmes - 61 en 2002)
(download PDF file - FR)


AGRAOST (Belgium)


Productivity and quality of meadows


Experiments of manure on meadows: results after a 3-year experiment on meadows in the east of Belgium by the Independent Agronomic Research and Experiment Centre, AGRAOST, managed by Mr Pierre LUXEN, European expert in organic matter.
(download PDF file - FR)


Some farmers’ testimonies on the effects of MM’s process on the land, plants and animals (Sobac users - trademarks BACTERIOSOL® BACTERIOLIT® and BACTERIOLIT CONCENTRE®):


BEEF CATTLE - Cantal - Breeder: Mr Paul Besson


DAIRY CATTLE - Cantal - Breeder: Mr David Aymar (FR)


POULTRY FARMING - Mayenne - Farmer: Mr Jean-Luc Louveau


POULTRY FARMING - Cotes d'Armor - Farmer: Mr Jean-Michel Gaude (FR)


PIG FARMING - Cotes d'Armor - Farmer: Mr Jean-Baptiste Bellœil


GOAT FARMING - Deux-Sèvres - Farmers: GAEC du Chêne Vert


VETERINARY - Aveyron - Mr Frédéric Porchez
"Less sanitary problems"



NUTRITIONIST - Mr Michel Lepertel
"A better food health for animals and man"

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Humus production - Carbon Storage - Natural fertilization - Water-saving solution - Regenerating "dead" soils - Solution for saline soils - Recycling of organic waste - Food solutions - Biodiversity impacts
© Marcel Mézy technologies™ Environmental Solutions - 2012-2013 all rights reserved